PRESS RELEASE: Epinoisis Software Corporation. November 5, 1999
Epinoisis Software Corporation Announces:
» Registered customers: Get your FREE UPGRADE NOW!
For a FREE demo visit us now at:
http://digitalear.iwarp.com/ ________________________________________________________________________
Brief information:
» What is Digital Ear? Digital Ear can analyze a recorded solo
performance (e.g. a singing human voice, or any musical instrument) and
convert it to a standard MIDI file.
» Any vibrato, tremolo, pitch-bend, portamento and even tibre changes of
your voice will be faithfully converted and reproduced into any voice of
your synthesizer.
» The MIDI file can be imported to your favorite music program (e.g.
Cubase VST, Cakewalk etc. ) for mixing with other tracks, or further
processing. Digital ear reads standard PCM wave (.wav) files.
WHAT'S NEW in Version 1.5:
» NEW Features:
* Better Engine has an even more extended frequency range.
* Two types of MIDI-files. Non-SMPTE MIDI files are now available
providing full compatibilty with all known sequencers like Cubase VST,
Cakewalk etc.
* Automatic update of MIDI files in order to immediately reflect any
changes in engine settings.
* User selectable target BPM.
* Program change events can now be overrided supporting non-GM (General
MIDI) synthesizers.
* User adjustable brightness gain. Now the sensitivity of tibre changes
can be easily controlled.
* Online checking of new updates.
* Numerous internal improvements.
For more information visit :
http://digitalear.iwarp.com/ Or email us at : info@digitalear.iwarp.com