Mo...this is a fine post.
Rather than split the difference, I think there should be only two types of keyboards....61 or 88.
76 notes are in that murky region where there aren't really a portable keyboard and they don't quite cut it as a piano.
I mean, if your gonna lug around 45 or 50 lbs, it may as well have the full range of keys.
A 76 note"anything" doesn't sell in my area...especially here in Cape Breton where there is a lot of fiddle music.
The piano players need those low notes for the octave basslines.
Jazz and classical players want the same thing...a real piano keyboard...88 notes.
I know you like 69, it's a nice number, it even looks the same upside down, but so does 88...and it smacks of much more professionalism.
Us 61 note wimps will carry on as before.