What I heard on the Yamaha's sounds like sinus-sound (WERSI). The 'drawbars' on my SD1 sound terrible!
Realize that real tonewheel Hammond organs sound special because of :
Polyphonic key-click with random volumes,
Monophonic percussion,
Each key has its 'own' harmonic distortion,
Each key has its 'own' hum-noise
The rotary speaker LESLIE effect is hard to simulate and (in my view) no current keyboard comes close!
The Scanner-vibrato is pretty complex because it is a mixture of phase- and frequency-modulation.
Every B3 has a specific sound.... the older the better ?
People who actualy know how a B3 sounds, know that Native Instruments B4 Tonewheel software DOES come very close to the real thing
I hope the new G70 sounds like B4 Tonewheels