On My Wersi Abacus I can load up to 9 styles per registration preset as well as the original style, (Style is generic it could a video, wav, midi etc) and as its most unlikely that you will require the full 9 different styles for a song, there will always be some spare that you can add to if required. (If you do start to run out just copy the registration to an additional preset You have thousands of user presets to which you can assign registrations) and you’re good to go for another 9 styles. (Don’t forget to lock or unlock the tempo when saving)
In addition to the above , you can also assign the mappings to a preset, which gives you 5 more levels per preset, (All styles selectable with no more then 2 presses of the screen, and 9 styles are directly selectable from the screen on each level) giving 45 + 9 styles available with max 2 presses.
Another way to do things
[This message has been edited by abacus (edited 03-01-2007).]
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).