To: all Tyros2 owners, and to be Tyros2 owners:
Taking in account Yamaha's: Tyros2 Hard Drive & DIMM Memory Module compatibility list shown at the bottom of this posting:
1) What brand/model, and RPM speed: 5400/7200 "Hard Drive" have you purchased, or plan to purchase for your new Tyros2 keyboard?
2) What brand/model, and "Dimm Memory" modules (x 2) are you using, or plan to use on your Tyros2 keyboard?
3) What brand/model, and storage capacity "USB Memory" stick are you using, or plan to use on your Tyros2 keyboard?
Thanks to all for feedback & recommendations.
Below is a list of the hard disk drives that are compatible with the Tyros2.
manufacturer serial number size(GB) compatibility
Fujitsu MHT2020AT 20 yes
Fujitsu MHT2040AT 40 yes
Fujitsu MHT2060AH 60 yes
Fujitsu MHT2040AH 40 yes
Toshiba MK4026GAX 40 yes
Toshiba MK6026GAX 60 yes
Toshiba MK8026GAX 80 yes
Hitachi 08K0939 60 yes
Hitachi HTS548060M9AT00 60 yes
Hitachi HTS548040M9AT00 40 yes
Samsung MP0402H 40 yes
Samsung MP0603H 60 yes
Samsung MP0804H 80 yes
Seagate ST9100823A 100 yes
Seagate ST9808211A 80 yes
The Hard Disks listed above were confirmed to operate properly with Tyros2 through our lab tests. The tests were conducted on drives Yamaha obtained from the market. Keep in mind that all drives even of the same manufacturer and of the same model number may not always work properly with the instrument, due to subtle differences in manufacturing. For specific instructions on installation, refer to the relevant section in the owner's manual.
* Dimension:
Hard disk drive thicker than 12.7mm cannot be installed to the Tyros2.
* Interface:
Parallel ATA (not Serial ATA)
* Capacity:
At least total 2.0 GB size HDD is required.
TYROS2 can access up to 137GB logically, however it has been tested up to 100GB.
Make sure to format the hard disk on the Tyros2 itself before using it.
Once the disk is formatted for use with the Tyros2, it cannot be used with any other instruments.
Below is a list of the DIMM memory modules that are compatible with the Tyros2.
manufacturer serial number size(MB) compatibility
Mushkin 16x64-PC100 Corsair VS 128 yes
Premium 32x64-100 LT 256 yes
Premium 32x64-100 VS Corsair 256 yes
Premium 64x64-133 LT 512 yes
PNY 6416VHSEM8G05 128 yes
PNY 6432VHSEM8G09 256 yes
PNY 6464WHSEM8G17 512 yes
Crucial CT16M72S4D75 128 yes
Kingston KVR133X72C3/256 256 yes
S3 Plus TS32MLS64V6D 256 yes
S3 Plus TS32MLS64V6F 256 yes
S3 Plus TS64MLS64V6F 512 yes
(as of August 05)
When installing optional memory modules (168-pin SDRAM DIMMs), make sure that both modules are of the same manufacturer and configuration.