LOT = Little Off Topic
My day was both fun and gave me new experiences. I'm talking about a day full of music, in fact I almost didn't eat anything today!

I had a day off today so it was dedicated for music entirely. I had things to catch up!

First I went to my home recording studio for more sound checking. I needed to know more about the sound quality in the RME Fireface 800. After tweaking and tweaking I was pretty sure that I have to start saving for a new digital converter. But slowly things changed. First I noticed that I had wrong settings in the matrix, so I was not getting the stereo picture that I was looking for/thought the audio interface gave me. Then I made mastering for the first time on the RME Fireface 800 for a Yamaha Tyros demo track and I started to get a new picture of the RME Fireface 800. It might not be the best sounding audio interface on the planet, but it sure ain't bad!

After that the time went so fast that the band members started dropping in all of a sudden, it was time to do some gigging. I played only guitar today(not keyboard) together with the other guitarist in the band, a little noisy but fun. Then after the band session was finished I helped my brother recording an own song in my home recording studio. It was a day full of exciting new experiences, that I will share with you now!
First of all I have to once again tell you how good the Yamaha Tyros sounds! This keyboard's overall sound quality is outstanding and I think Yamaha really deserves very good credit for this peace of gear! It is packed with endless of possibilities and the user interface is great! Today I learned that by mixing two alto saxes it sounds fantastic! I also want to point out that the effects engine in the Tyros is very useful if you are a guitarist! Just plug the guitar into the mic input, adjust the gain level and you have the best guitar amp you have heard in a very long time! (but turn off vocal harmony first! hehe) I also want to remind you of the sound editing power of the Yamaha Tyros! By combining different sounds you are easily getting new interesting sounds to save! What's very important in the editing process is the naming of the sounds you edit. Don't just name it whatever, listen to the sound, think of what kind of feelings you get when you hear it, find a word for that and modify it to make the name cool sounding. Then store it on a safe place.
Has any of you experienced a better sounding keyboard/synth than the Yamaha Tyros?
BTW, I have mastered a demo track of the Yamaha Tyros on the RME Fireface 800 into mp3 format in my studio. If you're interested in hearing both the RME Fireface 800 and the Yamaha Tyros at its best I can put it online for you. My brother said it was fantastic sounding and I agreed!