That's the difference between 'young' and 'experienced' musicians.
Younger musicians don't necessarily play 'music' they do more of the 'showasing' their talents, how complicated their techniques are, how fast their fingers are, etc..."more experienced" players play more for people's enjoyment more than proving that they can 'play'
About 15 years ago I was at my dad's music store. A client came in and asked if I could demo the Technics' G7 organ..I played Al Jarreau's "Spain", improvisation and all...crazy scales, 13th chords I gave it all!! After all that- He was like "That was really GOOD! You're a good player, But I wanted to hear about the organ's ability...can you just play 'love me tender'instead? the one you just played was too complicated for me"

A little lesson on humility at the early age LOL.
I remember another story- I was playing all this GRP stuff to my friend (not so musically inclined)...didn't get any responses at all, then I played Vanessa Cartlon's 1000 miles (close to the original songs) he was like boy you're really good!!
Go figure..heh..
[This message has been edited by KN_Fan (edited 02-01-2005).]