To everyone,
What a birthday, all the nice wishes from you nice people, really made my day. I guess after so many birthdays, giving my age out around the world does not hurt. Yes I did know that Washington's birthday is the same as mine or mine is the same as his, and yes that is how I got my name, George and my Grandmother Anne.
Thanks again to you all for making my day a little brighter. Hugs to you all,

ps: (From Walt) Georgiana received 76 Happy Birthday wishes, mostly by Email and a few by way of the website forum.
They came from:
  • Five Continents
  • Forteen Countries
  • Seventeen USA States

This certainly shows how small our world is getting - and, what is more important, - What a great group of people have gathered on the SynthZone Forums
Unbelieveable? You Bet.
Again, Thanks to Everyone,