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#19944 - 03/20/02 05:10 PM z1- a future classic or a poor man's Triton?
Equalizer Offline

Registered: 02/12/01
Posts: 525
Loc: Scotland
I wonder if any of you folk could clear this up...

I have a Z1 and recently I've been spending some time wondering round the Net, reading up on the thing. The thing I don't get is this- it seems to me that on the one hand, there's a whole bunch of guys saying that the synth can create really "unique sounds" (those precise words keep appearing on just about every review I've read) BUT, on the other hand, there seems to be a never ending bunch of folk who say that the Triton (and I think even the Trinity too!) have the same chips as the Z1 and can therefore produce exactly the same sounds as the Z1 AND MUCH MORE!

So, suddenly it seems that the Z1 maybe isn't quite so unique after all!

Can anyone shed any light on this? I mean, do Tritons have the same sounds (presets) as the Z1 plus a whole bunch more OR are Tritons merely *capable* of sounding like a Z1 if you spend time programming them yourself?

And so comes the ultimate Z1 question of all...

In 20 years time will we look back on the Z1 with the same reverance that we now have for Moogs, Juno 106's, MS20's and the likes? OR- will regard the Z1 as being just some cheap and nasty toy for people who couldn't afford Tritons???

T. Equalizer

#19945 - 03/21/02 12:19 PM Re: z1- a future classic or a poor man's Triton?
xavier Offline

Registered: 06/09/01
Posts: 69
Loc: Brussels, Belgium

The Triton and Trinity have in option the same sound engine as the Z1 (the famous MOSS expansion board). They have a different preload set, but Korg has provided 600 other programs coming from the Prophecy (the ancestor of Z1) and the Z1. And you can also use MOSSquito to convert Z1 programs to Triton format (not combis, as the Z1 has 12-18 voices polyphony and the Trinity/Triton only 6; moreover the Trinity MOSS board is not multitimbral)


Alchemist - the Korg Trinity to Triton PCG and SNG converter -

Alchemist - the Korg Trinity to Triton PCG and SNG converter -

#19946 - 05/08/02 11:53 PM Re: z1- a future classic or a poor man's Triton?
Korgasm Offline

Registered: 12/16/99
Posts: 270
Loc: Australia
The Z1 and Triton are 2 completely different kettles of fish IMHO!

THe Z1 is a dedicated VERY POWERFUL modelling synth that does not only analogue modelling but models of other acoustic/electric instruments.

Yes the MOSS board for the Triton and Trinity contains the same synthesis power as the Z1 (minus the Z1's fx parameters) but they only have 6 notes of polyphony and to be honest whilst the sound capabilities are there you haven't got nowhere near the amount of control as you have on a Z1 with the multitude of real time knobs and that awesome uniques X/Y touchpad!!!!

I have owned a Trinity and own both a Z1 and a Triton with MOSS board and let me just say that if you own a Z1 don't get rid of it and think that the MOSS board will replace it because it simply won't!

The Z1 is now becoming a very sort after modern synth!!!!! Ive spoken to guys in music shops who are lusting over a Z1 and would buy mine in a heartbeat if I offered to sell it at a reasonable price!

Korg screwed up the Z1 by introducing something that the public wasn't after at the time (1997). They either wanted a straight out knob laden analogue modelling synth like the Roland JP8000 or a full on workstation like the Triton.

The Z1 didn't offer the bells and whistles of the workstations and they were very expensive upon being 1st released and that is what ultimately 'doomed' them IMHO.

However, I bought a Z1 new at a reasonable price and don't intend on selling it soon! It's the best synth for live playing you would ever want to own and it puts even today's physical modelling synths to shame in many areas even the new Novations and Acceses!!!!

It has it's own 'sound' that no other VA/PM synth has and it can mimic the sounds of most other older analogue and digital synths very well- heck the pads a bloody PHAT and the EP's sound 'better' than those in a DX7! It's got an awesome arpeggiator and it's multitimbral if you want to use it that way although I just use it in program mode one sound at a time!

The Z1 and Triton/Trinity together are simply SEX in synthesis!!!! .


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