Hello There
1. The sound chips in most Laptop computers are normally total rubbish, and so no matter how good the soft synth is the sound that is output will still be awful, so your first port of call is to purchase a good quality external sound card.
2. The standard Wavetable synth that comes with Windows is based on Roland’s GS sound set, and with a good sound card is not to bad, (And its free) but it is more popular in the USA then Europe, which due to Yamahas dominance embraced the XG sound system.
3. Soft synths vary considerably in price, so what is available depends on what you have to spend. (Like all things you get what you pay for)
4. Many Synth Zone members use Laptops, so your best bet is to go to the search page and do a search for Laptops, Soundcards and Soft Synths, which will give you the details you need, and where to go from there.
Hope this helps.
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).