You wasted your money slr-online.
With the HDR and the Spidf connection.
You now have unlimited effects, tracks, poly, moss, digital I/O.
The ability to read from 4 hard disks at the same time and up to 7 within one song.
None of that is worth the £259 you paid….he..he..
All joking aside… the HDR rocks big time. You have made a fantastic purchase. You should make yourself a 6 inch long cable that connects to the SPDIF I to the O. Using this you can record all your 16 midi tracks effects and MOSS into just 2 of the audio tracks. This will completely free up all your 16 tracks, effects and MOSS for more recordings. This is also endless. You can bounce tracks around like this as often as you like with no loss to the sound quality.
So end then result are unlimited.
Dam good price to.
Best of luck with it.