We can always count on good insight from the "players" on this board ... good job

... I'l add my cent and a half

UD ...."So many times at weddings you'll hear 4 or 5 fast, modern tunes in a row and only a handful of barefoot, beer-drinking girls are dancing. Then a slow standard comes on and the floor FILLS up! Does the entertainer follow that with another slow one? Usually no. They change gears again and lose MOST of the dance floor.
Idiot behavior. Give 'em what they like."
Man ... were you at our office 'holiday' party last Friday nite?!? ... That's EXACTLY what was happening ... I have some respect for DJ's because there are some who can really work a crowd ... But these 2 guys were nothing more than CD spinners, and as long as they kept a certain 5 young ladies on the floor, nothing else mattered ... and when they DID play a ballad, or even some of the 'older' RnR, the floor was packed ... but then ...?!?!... back to the 'barefoot 5'
.."I see nothing wrong with playing YOUR instrument to the capacity you are able, along with accompaniments by either live musicians, midi tracks or arranger patterns.
I see no difference in the validity of the performance."
Again.. right on .... after working with a "General Business" band for 26 yrs, and then moving to a different state, I had to take a different approach to playing 'gigs' (there's that word UD!!!) ... In fact I didn't play out for about 7 years ... When I started again I cut down to solo work, playing accoustic piano and using a Roland drum machine as back up to my vocals...
Then, in '92 I bought my first 'arranger' .. a kn1000 .... It took me quite a while to accept the fact that the kb was providing so much background ... I wrestled with the "am I playing or is it the kb" thing for some time ... And the I came to the realization that people were paying me to ENTERTAIN!!! .. Whether I did it with a kb, spun discs, stood on my head and played 10 instruments at one time, IT DIDN"T MATTER, as long as they were entertained and had a good time ...
Scott, I agree that as a performer, playing LIVE, utilizing all our talents and all the facilities of our kb creates a lot of energy and excitement ... but I think sometimes thatis more for the performer than the audience ... Don't get me wrong, I think the audience feels and reacts to the energy we create, but can they appreciate what it takes for us to do it?? ... especially in larger crowds, I tend to doubt it ....
As for midis... Well I think the arrangement for certain songs is what the crowd is looking for and will respond to, so there are some tunes that I will use midis for ... However, in small venues, I have no problem taking an otherwise 'highly orchestrated' tune, and cutting it down to a trio or quartet style, played 'on the fly' ....
Whatever our personal situation, I believe each of us has to feel that, however we do it, we are giving the customer what they are paying for, and take great satisfaction that we are able to do that...
And all be Thankful for the talents given to us...
... just keep making beautiful music ...