I have been using SmartScore 3 for quite some time and quite impressed with scanned the results.
I use this program to, relatively quickly, take an existing printed leadsheet (including notes, chords & lyrics) and have it transposed, and printed out in another key.
This does requires a little tweaking & editing of a few of the translated notes, chords, and/or lyrics of the the scanned music, but I'm very impressed overall because it saves a LOT of time of having to enter the music manuscript into the computer, manually from scratch (one note/chord & lyric word at a time). After SmartScore interpretes the scanned music, it only takes me about 10 minutes to clean up the few mis-interpreted notes/lyrics, vs taking up to an hour to enter each and evey note, lyric word, and chord into the computer manually.
My only complaint is that its not possible to alter/change the number of measures per line (system) from the original scanned page. I was advised by Musitek though that they are currently working to implement this feature in a future (next?) version.
With each subsequent release version of SmartScore, I continue to see improved accurate music recognition. Though I'm anxious to see continued feataure advancements, I am very happy with this program and think it's the best of its kind.