Originally posted by siahwayne:
1)PSR 2000 keyboard
2)Roland RD150 digital piano
3)peavey RQ200 mixer
4)SoundTech PL200 stereo amplifier
5)BBE 264 sonic maximizer
6)peavey Deltafex effects processor
OK - plug both kb's into MONO (or stereo) inputs (not inserts, I'll explain later)
Take the effects send and plug into the Deltafex INPUT. Take the Delta OUTPUT and plug into the effects RETURN.(Mono or stereo)
Take the main outputs and patch into the BBE and then on to the power amp. (from the BBE outputs)
The inserts are a special place to patch an effect unit directly to ONE, specific channel. Maybe you can benifit from it in the future, but with the setup you listed .... I see no advantage in using it now. The BBE should be in the main mix, and the effect should be in the FX buss, so any channel can sare the effects.
Any questions?