Fellow sz arranger enthusiasts. I was up last night (till 4am this morning) playing & exploring my new T2 beast. I successfully installed a 60GB Hard Drive (Samsung MP0603H) and 1GB of DIMM memory (2 each: Kingston KVR133X72C3/512). I then loaded & loaded into my T2, the following new
Corrected Names MusicFinder File which includes corrected 'song titles', and spent hours playing thru the 100's of wonderful tunes with fitting appropriate T2 styles. The overall sound of T2 compared to T1, is richer and fuller sounding (more body). Though I realize that the acoustic Grand Piano sample is the same as used on T1, A/B ing the Grand Piano thru T1 & T2 thru my PA system, it was easy for me (as well as other friends who came to checkout my new kb acquisition) to hear a significantly richer sounding improvement. I suspect (because the Grand Piano sample itself is the same) that the improved overall sound must be in new Yamaha component improvements or sample processing improvements. I can assure you, that as far as the styles go, I can tell that, in addition to a lot of nice totally new styles, all the existing styles (T1) have been totally re-worked to take advantage of the T2 new voices (S.A. & Mega alike). In addition, many of the styles have totally new intros & endings added, and many of them totally blew my socks off with their live sounding realism.
The other dramatic improvement with T2 is the keyboard's feel. Though it certainly isn't fully weighted, it's response feels the same as the Motif. Talking about catch phrases: Yamaha calls it 'demi-semi weighted' now.
Irregardless, I feel the T2 keys have a much more 'solid key feel' and great 'responsive' action allowing for more to better capture playing expression. I also feel a live sounding presence, especially with the SA voices. In light of all this,
I still do think Tyros1 is an great sounding keyboard and remains an excellent choice (with its new lower pricing) if the price of T2 is an issue. Ok, got to get back to playing T2.
No time for T2 'package opening' pics (like the Wolf's) as who could ever top that
, but, even though I've come down with a cold, I'll try to get a demo or two up by the end of the weekend.