If you play a Yamaha arranger and want to play LH bass, and still get the arranger to follow the RH ..... there is a slight workaround that sorta works....at least it did in my test this week.
Prior discussions sparked my curiosity, so I set up my 3k in FULL kb mode, split the LH (as a bass sound), turned OFF the arranger bass part and gave it a whirl.
The chords react a little strange because the bass line keeps changing the root of the chord to a passing tone if the part is busy, but all in all - it did better than I expected. For songs with walking bass lines like "Whiter shade of Pale" or "Piano Man" it works great to keep the right chord and add the correct descending bass note.
One thing is unfortunate - Yamaha registrations don't memorize the arr recognition mode - pity, because I'd use it more if it could be memorized in registrations.
For those of you who really want to hear more going on, but still play your own bass lines ..... give it a try.

[This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 01-04-2005).]