First : Does 'Random Solton/Ketron User' have a name ? (I don't like aliases when helping)
If your sequencer software is not capable recording/playing midi-data on seperate channels ..... it is 'worthless' and of no use at all
What is 'random stuff' ?
Are you familiar with MIDI in general ? if not, visit MIDI-sites where MIDI is explained in detail.
I would advise you to use Cubasis, Cubase (VST, 32 or SX), Cakewalk or Notator.
You can simply go through the following steps to find the cause of you rproblems :
1. Remove the MIDI-cable that connects the computer MIDI-OUT with the keyboard MIDI-IN.
This eleminates a possible loop.
2. Be sure you only connect the Keyboard MIDI-OUT to the MIDI-IN in the computer.
3. Start the sequencer-record and play some simple single notes. Stop recording
4. Open the score-, or list-edit window and check the recorded events. If you have doubles, it is 100% sure the keyboard sends this double data.
Now you have to recheck/correct the keyboard's MIDI-settings. Walk thru the menu's and disable all MIDI-Tx channels except one : the RIGHT (set it to ch. 1) . Now repeat step 3 and 4.
5. Take your time and take one step at a time. Think logical and you should be able to locate the problem yourself.
You wrote "if anybody still cares" ...... Believe me, we all care and want to help, there are no stupid questions, nobody is dumb ! Try to describe your problem as detailed as possible.