Originally posted by DanO1:
Benjamino ,
Personally I do not use registration's at all with the SD1 . The Sd1's ability to save pattern edit's and lead voices is pretty handy .
What are you trying to do ?
Let's say you are doing a gig . you are about to play 4 country songs in a row while using patterns . The Block registration allows you to save that "country" set and load at one time . It's ment to be a positive feature my SD1 brother .
What made you purchase you SD1 ? dano
I purchased the SD1 for the following reasons:
My gigs are in duets and the Vocalizer is a big plus.
The drums on the SD1 are fantastic, so are 95 % of the voices such as pianos, organs, brass, strings, etc.
The onboard sequencer is a plus. I presently use a laptop/cakewalk software. Eventually once I organize my midifiles on the SD1 I will use the laptop only as backup in the event of a malfuntion on the SD1.
I used to have 2 keyboards to do my gigs but I believe that with the SD1 alone I can do the job.
My gigs consist of 70% midifiles and 30% live using registrations setups. For the registrations I'm trying to figure out if I should be using/organizing these as single or block registrations. I will need to experiment with this a little more.
I will and need to explore the patterns functions as you mentioned.
Thanks for your feedback.