You are correct, I did put the SD-1 on Ebay, but decided to return it to Guitar Center as Dan suggested. I will try and give a short review..The styles are teriffic, probally the best, thanks to the drum grooves, the drums are unbeatable[even compared to the VA series],.The sounds are very good, even the new piano. The selection of styles and sound patches has improved over the X1..For the most part the SD-1 is a 76 key X1 without speakers..Both Dave and I found the same reasons we gave up on the X1 to be true with the SD-1..Inconsistant lock outs for bass[so it will not change when drum patterns are selected]..Changes in the vocalizer and effects, even though they are"locked"out..Navigation during a performance,,YUK[even worst than the VA-7].Too many common looking buttons , if you can't read the labels[dark room], mistakes will be common place..I find sequence playback unacceptable, I don't like the overal sound compared to the Rolands for playback, especially the drums[without the groove the drums don't have it].I did not notice timing errors with the fill to variations as some noted. I did not hear noisy DSP's..Thr Ketron is still poor to navigate between sequence and live applications and search for next sequence and/or performance/patch[G1000 is still the best for this,that includes the Yammy] Scott the SD-1 I had ,had OS 1.0 and did not play "rootless" chords.. If you have to play sequences from a flopy, you better know some jokes,as much as 30 seconds before sequence plays[does not play directly from disk].Some opinions on sounds: acoustic piano is very good,the EP'sother than a rhodes,I did not like[prefer Roland], Organs I liked[as I did on the X1], saxes are good as are the brass, guitars are okay,,accordions are disapointing[ex player],some of the vocal patches are okay, none of the companies can rival Rolands "SCAT"..Some key styles are still missing as with the X1, noticeably Rhumba's.I found it hard to get the same results that I was able to get with the X1 with the vocalizer[the X1 seemed to be crisper]I had a problem retaining vocoder[midi mode], The SD-1 does not allow the vocalizer to keep both chordal and vocoder settings as the Digitech workstation[you know what I mean,Scott]..AJ showed me a neat feature[it actualy convinced me to buy],Sync Wave,You can record[sample] a vocal sound or phrase and sync it with a pattern tempo. With a little homework you can do your backup vocals..This is similar to Rolands Variphrase[I find Variphrase easier to accomplish this but the SD-1 did surprise me with the feature]. Overal I think the average player will love the SD-1,Picky players like Dave will throw in the towel, and spoiled players as myself will play the G1000..My thanks to DanO at Guitar Center for all his help,and his bending over backwards to help us understand the X1. I Also want to thank Dan for assisting me with the return..AND thanks to AJ [ this man knows this keyboard]...Fran