I have a triton Studio, and with some right programming, and the downloading of 3rd party files (PA80 for example), it really does sound good. I would like to know what kind of speakers would suit this Synth, and make it similar to an arranger - IE: portable, able to play at very small venues, without having to cart a KC500 around with me
I was thinking of the Yamaha YST speakers that came with the Yamaha Pro I once had, but too much bass/treble, and little in-between for my liking. Any advise appreciated!. Budget, well, £100($150 dollars or so)
TIA (thanks in advance) and very nice to see the forum back up - thought it was a gonna
PS: what made me think about this, is that I heard the Demo of the PAX on a CD tonight, and while good, doesn't kill the Triton Studio, and apart from better guitar (acoustic) sounds - and "perhaps" a Piano there doesn't seem too much - but then again it is an arranger
This thing in the UK (PAX with the speakers) costs well over £2K - and that is an awful amount of money for a keyboard that only boasts 64 note poly - even if it does handle it well.