I agree with you!!!
I've told all people in my surrounding since many years that mp3 lacks. I remember the days when the CD standard was made. Many people thought that you'll loose quality in comparison to venyl records. At the beginning there were some early CD recordings made on 22.05 kHz at 8 bit sampling rate. I've told them "Wait! 44.1 kHz at 16 bit sampling rate will hit the ground!" and it happened!
The compressed format of mp3 files do not allow to save the whole music datas. So, I was wondering that the whole today's youth loved mp3 and I also didn't understand the fear of the record labels to loose income caused by mp3 exchange markets on internet. If I really want to hear the music with full satisfaction then I have to buy the original CD. IMHO No need for new law!!!
I'm using mp3 files only for archiving and informing. Inside a driving car you won't really notice the difference between wave and mp3 because the surrounding noises are killing the HiFi quality.
Modern synths are mostly using wave samples stored in ROMs by the manufacturer. So, in my opinion it's natural that MIDI files sounds better too. I would and will NEVER use a mp3 file as a sound source for my recordings. I only create mp3 files of my end products to put them into the WWW.
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)