I'm having the same problems you are!
First off the small 72 pg. manual will not hardly load at all! When it does I get warnings of errors occured on the page! Nothing readable by the Acrobat. This 72page
manual has voice lists & style lists. I wanted to see very much. It is loaded with charts.
The 172 page is the operating manual!
I have seen some of this. The first night I tried I was able to read about 25 pgs. Sometimes having to wait 10 min. for a pg. to com. up so I could read it! I spent most of one evening doing this. The next morning
I loaded it again. Set it up to print. It loaded 51 pg. & locked up my CP !! All this took nearly 6 hrs.
I've tried it sinse then about all it wants to do is lock up my PC.
Like you I have no trouble with any of the
manuals at the Yamaha site!
Hope they get this fixed , I really want a copy of them.
[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 09-16-2001).]