I just spent two weeks trying to figure out and then repair my MidiStep bass pedal unit. I accidentally used the wrong polarity on the power plug and fried a voltage regulator. I searched the internet high and low for information about the unit with no real help. I wrote to Hammond-Suzuki, who produced the unit - no reply. I wrote to Line6, who used to be Fast Forward Designs (the original designers and producers) - no schematics available. I found a guy named Paul White who used to work for FFD and now has his own electronics company - very helpful in narrowing down the possible damaged components and identifying the actual part number.

But the savior to my dilema came by a chance search of a Kurzweil repair list. I located a local authorized repair facility for many music manufacturers just a few miles from my home. I walked into his store and in 15 minutes I had a new voltage regulator soldered to my mainboard - all for only $50. He even had a spare IC chip for the mainboard, probably the only such chip within 200 miles (over 20 years old). The name of the place is VISION ELECTRONICS in Allen Park, MI. The owner is a great guy named Mike Wall. He has a great inventory of repair parts and an exceptional collection of vintage parts. He is a smart man with an excellent grasp of electronics and keen sense of a customer's need. I highly recommend him to anyone who may be looking for hard to find parts or good service. Contact Mike at

[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 12-30-2005).]
Riding on the Avenue of Time