A lot of you have been offering different suggestions for sharing mp3 files, but recently I was referred to the new PANDO programme which runs within Outlook Express and is simply amazing. It allows you to send an attachment to anyone that you want to comprising up to 1 Gb (one Gigabyte) of
data !!!!! In other words you can easily send a complete CD, even in WAV format if you wanted to. Sending a few mp3 songs is a breeze.
The programme (only 2 Mb) can be downloaded for free. After having installed it you are asked to register as well , this enabling you to also send "parcels" yourself.
The recipient simply receives an email notice from the sender and upon clicking on the attachment file, this file is subsequently downloaded by the recipient.
It even beats having your own website when it comes to exchanging large files.
the link: www.pando.com

John Smies