LOL. Ok, we did establish that.
I already understood that it will stop when I have the button on and lift my hands up.
But I still didn't get a definite answer on what happens when you begin to play again. Will it start the arrangement automatically with a cymbal crash at the beginning of the measure?
and can I just start in again lift hands, stop again, start again, etc. without pushing any more buttons? see there is only one button (start/stop) on the Korg, where there is apparently two on the solton. I don't understand why they would need them seperate, but in any event, like I illustrated, I can with whatever rapidity I want keep lifting off all contact with the keyboard and starting again and do it very quickly so the arrangement keeps starting in along with the cymbal crash. Therefore allowing live-controlled "big endings"
I wish I could show somebody what I mean in person, This is very frustrating because it's such a simple thing but apparently difficult to be sure words are fully explaining it.
Anyhow, I will check the other post and see if that explained it completely. I suppose I should have checked there first. Oh well.

So now do you get my question fully?