Hi Ken,
Unfortunately, the PSR2000's step record mode does not allow you to actually 'insert' rest notes. You must instead, assign the length of a note, then move the bar/beat setting to where the 'next' note should be, and the appropriate rest(s) will occur automatically.
For example:
Suppose you want to create a 4 measure melody with note C3 (1/2 note length value) in the first measure followed by a 1/2 note rest, and then note D3 (1/2 note length value) in the second measure followed by another 1/2 note rest, and then a whole note E3 in measure 4, and another whole note F3 in measure 5. In Step Record mode:
1) Move the bar/beat/clock position to: 001/1. Press the button associated with the 1/2 note length value and simultaneously press the note C3 on the keyboard.
2) Move the bar/beat position to: 002/1 and press the button associated with the 1/2 note length value and simultanesouly press the note D3 on the keyboard.
3) Move the bar/beat position to: 003/1 and press the button associated with the whole note length value and simultaneously press the note E3 on the keyboard.
4) Move the bar/beat position to: 004/1 and press the button associated with the whole note length value and simulaneously press the note F3 on the keyboard.
The result will be a a four bar melody with measure 1: 1/2 note (C3) followed by a 1/2 note rest, measure 2: 1/2 note (D3) followed by a 1/2 note rest, measure 3: whole note (E3), measure 4: whole note (F3).
Hope this explains the way Step Record works on the PSR2000.
- Scott