Sev01: Your posting is of particular interest to me because I'm seriously considering purchasing an SD1 myself. I currently play the Technics KN5000 and am also considering an upgrade to the KN6500, but I just heard that the KN6500's hard drive backup 'data transfer system' suffers from a very SLOW archaic data transfer protocol (parrallel port interface). A USB interface had originally been planned, but apparently was never implemented.

Sev01, your SD1 questions and concerns (1-6)sound valid:
1) Sev01, Does the 'internal' efx ONLY shut off when you use outputs 3&4 along with the L&R outputs, or is there also no internal efx output when outputs 3&4 ONLY or outputs L&R ONLY are used too? I'm wondering if there is some kind of efx output routing setting you need to switch on your SD1.
2) Please clarify what you mean regarding imported WAV files synchronizing with the the tempo and pitch (key) changes.
3) I too think it would be VERY USEFUL for the SD1 'pattern editor' to support:loop recording, copy measure, insert measure, erase or delete measure, and also event editing. In fact I would also like to see a Style Pattern 'Drumkit Editor' so one can easily edit (add/remove, change velocity levels), all occuranaces (universally) of a specific drum part (bass, kick, hi hat , etc).
4) I assume you are refering to the keyboard playing (touch sensitivity) velocity curves, right?
5) WAV file 'Fill in' delays: From what I heard (from Ketron_AJ), I think this issue is being addressed by Solton (and resolved?) in OS 3.0. AJ, can you please confirm this. Also, WHEN is OS 3.0 due out?
Sev01: I agree that, most of the time, a fill without a crash on 'beat ONE' of the next measure will sound pretty weird. My question is: just 'how bad' is the delay when auto-crash is turned OFF? You say 'it kind of helps', but HOW MUCH? Does it sound better to just leave the fills out altogether when playing WAV sampled drum loops? This leads to my next question? What is the quality of the internal 'midi' drum patterns, sounds, and fills on the SD1 compared to the WAV Drum sample loops?
6) This 'pattern part' copy thing you mention certainly does sounds like a bug which needs to be addressed. I hope Ketron (Solton) is reading this and hope that they will get it fixed in their next OS update.
Sev01: I would have emailed you privately but your profile does NOT include your email address, so I hope you don't mind me asking you the following questions here:
1) What are your FAV strengths of the SD1? Disappointments?
2) Is the SD1 the 1st Ketron (Solton) keyboard you've owned? Did you ever own the X1? How does the SD1 compare?
3) How difficult was the SD1 OS software (operating system) and keyboard layout to master? Did it take long: days/weeks/months?.
4)What feature(s) about the SD1 led you to choose the SD1 over the other arranger keyboard brands/models?
Thanks for input from Sev01 and any other people here who have had experiences with the SD1 too. Also, I'm still looking forward to hearing SD1 music produced by SD1 owners (Roel deJonge, Ketron_AJ, Henry Ho, and others). BTW, I wonder what happened to Notlos (Dirk Baert)? I really enjoyed his music produced on the SD1.

- Scott