Methinks what you want to do is send a data value (on the appropriate midi channel) associated with controller no 72. This controller number is Release Time in Yamaha XG so this seems reasonable.
You need to send a controller message from the PK5. This is three hex bytes long.
Sorry to get techie here but:
The values to need to send (ALL IN HEX, sorry, will translate later) are these:
Bn 48 xx
n is the midi channel (0-F in hex for channels 0-15 which really mean 1-16). The B means "Control Message".
48 hex (=72 decimal) is "I want to modify controller number 72"
xx is the data value which will be a value from 00 to 7F. Yamaha uses values > 40 (hex) to increase the release time and values <40 to decrease it. So you could start at 50 and adjust to taste!
So, for Midi channel 1 and a data value of 50 hex (80 in decimal) the three bytes are:
B0 48 80 (decimal 176 72 80)
For Midi Channel 16 and a data value of 59 hex (95 in decimal) you need
BF 40 59 (decimal 191 72 95)
So hopefully that covers the sort of data you need to send.....
But I've got no idea how you program the PK5!
John Allcock