The demos that are on the web site are taken from the neKo 64 which is the top of the line model and costs thousands of dollars more than the LE version.
Kind of like false advertising if you ask me. They are putting up demos but they're not from the Board in question, i.e. the neKo LE.
Will the LE sound exactly the same as the neKo 64? I would tend to think not just as the PSR 3000 is not in the same league as the Tyros price wise or sound wise either IMO.
But beyond all of that, Alex brings up some very good points also.
If it can't be utilized effectively in a Live environment it really is limited in its usefulness. At least to gigging musicians anyway.

And only 61 KEYS! Even the top of the line neKo 64!!

NO 76 or 88 Key version??? What were they thinking!?!?!
Best regards,