Hello again and thanks so much for the kind words.
I have to agree about times of pain and sorrow being very creative. This song almost wrote itself and whilst it may not be to everyones taste for me it will always be 'the song' just because of why I wrote it. Worry not, the old Tony is still here, silly humour in tact

Down but not out.
Thanks. Praise is always nice but when it comes from a performer I respect immensly it means so much.
So glad you liked it. I'm addicted to those minor chords

Someone once said to me "Convet happiness with major chords and sadness with minor"... If that rule holds then I must be permanently sad

Thanks for listening. Yes I did find it emotional recording this song. Probably why my voice appears to sound worse than usual in my opinion. Strangely though....when I usually record if I have to do more than one take at the vocals I get fed up and bored with the song then start to pick holes in it. Hence most of my 'songs' never get recorded. However this song took quite a few takes on the vocal because my voice kept breaking and yet not once did I get fed up with it.....just went on and on until I thought the vocal was passable.
I know you like the moody ones

Am so pleased you really like 'Reality.' As I said to Dreamer I do agree that emotional times make for emotional work and it can be better for it. I think I invested more of myself into this than anything else I have written.
Thanks for listening and again I am so pleased that you like it. Like I said to Don your encouragement means a lot because of the great respect I have for you as an artist. Incidentaly, one of my Dads fave songs was 'She'. I made him a cd copy of your version last year and he would often play it and said that your version was far better than Elvis Costello. For him it was either Sasha's version or yours!
Wow! Thankyou for your very kind words. I can honestly say that my stuff has never been called art before....something that sounded a lot like art but never art

Glad you liked it.
Thankyou for your words. Amomgst all the amazing people here at the 'zone' you are the one who is most responsible for me having any confidence in my musical ability at all. The style I used is one that I found on a floppy that was lying around. The label said that they were tyros styles? converted to 9000pro. This may be right but it could also be terribly wrong as I am notoriously disorganised and often write over a floppy and forget to change the label

I think it is called ' Movie Swing' if that helps? If that style is on the Tyros then my label is current....if not it could be anything

Thanks again to all.
Tony W