I downloaded the B4 demo again and this time played it through my Delta 44 card routed to my external sound system. I agree it sounds alot better through a good sound system.
I tried to get the B4 demo to work through my Keyboard by way of my Midi Input/Outputs from my computer to my Tyros. I was unable to get it to work that way.
As for routing it through my Mixer and into the Tyros Inputs; the Tyros' inputs are Mono so the resulting output through the Mains would be mono likewise I am assuming. Too much of a hassle in a live setting IMO.
I heard through a person's testimony about the B4 that it was very difficult to play through a Keyboard Live. He also said it sounded "compressed", the 'leakage' was missing, it had bad harmonics in the higher registers and without bass plays flat and nasal sounding. He also said it was impossible to play like an Organ through a normal Master Keyboard, ie., you would need a special Keyboard that would need to have Waterfall keys, drawbars, and an actual Swell Pedal. A normal Keyboard and a PC were totally insufficient in his opinion. He also said it sounded creepy?!?!?
Any way, upon further investigation I've come to the conclusion that if I want a B3 clone I now know which one to get. And it won't be the B4 OR Charlie.
Take a listen to these:
Nord Electro 2 #1 Nord Electro 2 #2 Nord Electro 2 #3 Nord Electro 2 Rhodes and Organ Nord Electro 2 Organ factory demo Listen to Nord Electro Organ in Mix Hands down the best B3 hardware clone I've heard so far and needless to say - way better than either Ilio's Charlie or NI's B4 IMO. Plus the fact I wouldn't have to lug around a Laptop and pray that the B4 or Charlie wouldn't crash on me in the middle of a song when using it Live. The Clavia Nord Electro 2 is a 73 Key B3 clone that also has several other sounds in it most notably Rhodes, Clavinet, Acoustic Pianos, Wurlitzer and of course the B3 Organ sounds.
For an excellent B3 clone the Nord Electro 2 should be on every Organ lovers must have Gear list IMHO. And at $1,699 for the 73 Key version (at zzounds.com) it makes it all the more enticing.
Best regards,
PS: I wanted to also mention that the Nord Electro 2 is software updateable so when a new OS comes out you can flash update the Keyboard. Also Clavia gives away new sounds when they become available. So instead of buying a new Keyboard when the next version comes out you basically 'get' a new Keyboard by way of new OS updates and new sounds that they let you download for free. So it stays on the cutting edge longer. Very cool!
I think I'm talking myself into getting one.
I just love the B3 sound! It's a pity the Tyros doesn't have a worthy B3 patch. A lot of the Organ sounds are good on the Tyros but Yamaha missed the boat on giving Tyros owners a superb B3 sounding Organ like the Nord Electro 2 has.
Before I would get a Nord Electro 2 I think I would like to buy CD-Soft's Custom Drawbar sounds first to see if they would satisfy my B3 sweet tooth. Too bad CD-Soft doesn't take CC's and make the Voices downloadable over the internet. Roel has stated that CD-Soft is suppose to offer that feature in the near?? future. Hopefully sooner than later..
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 02-02-2004).]