I love starting these threads of which I know everyone will participate. When getting involved here, realize that this asks what your first keyboard was. These means that we're not asking you how many keyboards you've had, or what you have now. The last thing I want here is a gear-list thread.
At most, list your first keyboard (or first two), and tell us why you got them, and what you did with them. This should be fun.
My very first keyboard was the Casio SK1. What a board, it could sample! I didn't find much use for the samples, or the cheezy drum patterns. I did like the fact that you could "make" your own tones on them.
When I discovered MIDI, I used to get jealous that my SK1 didn't have it. I used to spend nights looking to see if there was some secret panel or compartment that would reveal MIDI jacks. Too bad you couldn't store the sounds or samples either.
My second keyboard was the Yamaha PSR500M. This was my first real keyboard. I begged my mother and father for this one. My friend had the PSR400, and his had reverb and a 5-track sequencer. I didn't know much about quantizing back then, and it didn't have it. But I liked the fact that I record my own songs. I also like the fact that the sounds were so "real". It had like 100 sounds - Whoa!
I recorded so many songs with the PSR500M. I have most of them on Cassette tape. I may transfer them to CD one day. Since then, I've been strictly a Roland man.
The Infamous Epu.