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#211501 - 03/22/02 06:16 PM Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
diosif Offline

Registered: 03/14/02
Posts: 48
Loc: Greece
I am new here, and just came across the story of Ryan. What you did is great! I used to think that these thing happen only in Hollywood movies, but here you are, proving tha movies immitate life! Congratulations once more, you prove to me another thing: Real musicians have beautiful souls! This thought has been in my mind for long, and all I can say to you is that you are real musicians and more of all REAL HUMANS!

#211502 - 03/22/02 07:31 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
jedi Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 02/07/02
Posts: 1125
Loc: Merrimack, N.H.
Hi diosif,
Welcome to our family and as I like to say "our corner of the web" The people here are GREAT if you have a question or problem there better than "tech-support"
We all play and we all know that some times things don`t always go as they should with KB`s (example the PSR2000) and we all try as best we can to help

#211503 - 03/22/02 10:05 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
RicRob Offline

Registered: 02/15/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Bethlehem, PA, USA
Welcome Diosif
Nice to have you join this great forum.
Music is magic, has great powers and truly universal as you can see members are from all across the world.
There are many great musicians here, and new ones coming on board like Ryan and JimJamJammin. I kind of fit into the hobby category, but have learned enough basics of the arranger keyboards to be able to bring the joy of music to many shut-ins, those who are in assisted living homes and nursing homes.
The help, support and just good feeling you can receive here is endless.
Welcome friend from across the ocean and yet so near - thanks to the internet.

#211504 - 03/22/02 10:46 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
jedi Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 02/07/02
Posts: 1125
Loc: Merrimack, N.H.
Hi RicRob,
How are you doing with your 2000? I picked up another and I still have a hard time saving "panel settings" its weird, I see the "hourglass-symbol" and there`s a folder, when I press J but somtimes it works and somtimes not. Any thoughts?

#211505 - 03/23/02 10:49 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
RicRob Offline

Registered: 02/15/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Bethlehem, PA, USA
Hi Jedi
I like the PSR 2000 more each day I use it.
The problem I thought I had with the vocalizer was not a problem. In trying to learn some of the functions, I must have turned all kinds of dials and settings, so I performed a Initial Setup and it cleared everything out. My biggest concern which I saw both Uncle Dave and you comment about is the keys. They certainly do not fit the caliber of the rest of the keyboard. In fact I turned off the touch feature so not to pound on them so hard.
When you mention panel settings I assume you mean the registration memories, which was one of my most difficult features to figure out. I currently have five banks set up, four I use for various rhythms and one for changing only the harmony types.
I set it up as follows:
Pick out the style, rhythm, settings you like and hit memory -
the next screen allows you to "group select" various items with checkmarks -
then hit one of the buttons (1-8) - light is red.
Here's the potential problem area:
If you have no previous memories the lights on the buttons will be out and change to red but if you have previous registrations, you are now over-riding and to keep the new ones you are doing you must save to a new bank immediately after you made all the new memories.
When you are finished with your new assigned memories - go back to your main screen - hit the "J" - hit the save button - assign a new name, something appropriate with the songs you saved with the data wheel and letter keys - hit "OK".
You should have a new registration bank.
When you want to call up a particular setting, you must go the main menu, press "J" and press the bank you want - and then press the button (1-8) that you want.
You can further identify each button with some name, etc - go to the main page - hit J
- press the regis bank you want - hit edit - and the page will show you the eight saved items which you can now use the name function. Word of caution - the more you store, assign names, etc, I think the more space it uses up in the storage area, so I do very little naming of registrations.
Maybe you have done all this and are still having a problem and I apologize but like I said this was one of the many things I had difficulty doing for nearly the first two weeks I had the KB. They are working fine.
It is one fantastic keyboard - it has most of the features plus many more of my Technics KN5000, but then it is four years advanced in electronics. I certainly hope your 2000 will give you good service and enjoyment for a long time to come. I must admit there were times when I got extremely disgusted with it and put aside for a couple days but was anxious to get back playing it after a day or two.
Good luck
Take Care

#211506 - 03/23/02 11:13 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
jedi Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 02/07/02
Posts: 1125
Loc: Merrimack, N.H.
Hi RicRob,
Thank you for your very informative reply it was most needed and I am most gratful I have done like you suggested a number of times. The last time I tried this: first I made a folder then I made my settings (like you do) but the when I save I seem to have two, one in the folder I just made and one called NEW BANK 1 how can I get "new bank 1" into the folder I made at the begining?
If you have a PC then it maybe easier, I have an iMac and whenever I need to edit something I just copy and paste. Even though I have a "cut" function I have never used it and I noticed that the 2000 has a "cut" func. as well as "copy and paste" Any thoughts on how to get that "file-in-the-folder" would be GREAT
Thanks again, youv`e been a BIG help!

#211507 - 03/24/02 05:11 AM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
diosif Offline

Registered: 03/14/02
Posts: 48
Loc: Greece
Take a look at the "Steering away topic" topic by Dreamer!!! And of course follow the replies in this one!

#211508 - 03/24/02 01:59 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
ComposerRyan Offline

Registered: 09/22/01
Posts: 225
Hi Diosif, welcome to the forum! I am glad that you are now a part of it - this place is simply amazing!!!

Like you said, I never thought that this miracle was possible! This place if full of wonderful, loving people who are willing to help those in need! Most impotantly, they have provided me with a peaceful, loving atmosphere. This place is full of good people who have good hearts - they give out their wisdom from their years of musical experience to those that are beginners. They really care about those who need help and they always reply promptly to new topics!

They have actually changed my life, they have given me something that I would have never thought was possible! They have showed me that this world is still full of good people and that there is hope. They have truly touched my heart and they are special people! Now my dreams are a reality because of them! Like many say here, this place is like one big family and I am so happy to be a part of this family!

You are right: REAL MUSICIANS DO HAVE BEAUTIFUL SOULS!!! Here, you will find those musicians that have beautiful souls. Many people here have actually mentioned God and that honestly did surprise me! God made this miracle happen, but these musicians were the performers of this miracle! I thank God everyday that I wake up to our new gifts and I realize how blessed I am to have such wonderful people who were the performers behind the gifts that we received! I cannot thank them enough to truly express how I feel - sometimes, I find myself speechless because I cannot describe the miracle that took place in such a short amount of time.

I am glad that you acknowledged their efforts, thank you for doing that - they are truly devoted and dedicated and they really do care! You will love this place - again, it is full of people who are willing to help those in need. And, what amazes me most, is the fact that they do not expect anything in return.

Diosif, I am glad that you are a part of this forum and we're all happy that you joined! I look forward to hearing from you again - have a nice day Diosif and see you around on the forums!



#211509 - 03/24/02 04:55 PM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
Hi diosif,
Glad to have you aboard. I think you will grow to love our forum family! And you're right the story of Ryan & his family has touched all our hearts. Only the touch of God can bring so many people together in one accord!
Anyway glad you're with us!
All the best,


[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 03-26-2002).]

#211510 - 03/26/02 07:32 AM Re: Real musicians have beautiful souls!!!
Mario Offline

Registered: 07/07/99
Posts: 380
Loc: Wayside, New jersey, USA
Welcome Diosif:
Part of your name implies you are a good man. Dios means god in Spanish. I am sure you had Him in mind when you chose your screen name. Anyway, we are happy to have you aboard; anyone with a positive attitude is welcome here, and you seem to have one.
If you red my last thread (So much for �the end of obsolescence�) you�ll know that I am in need of some positive attitude lately. Please read it and let me know if you can offer your personal views since I am having a little hard time dealing with some issues.
Members of the likes of Uncle Dave are an integral part of this forum for this very reason and I hope you can join the ranks.
"Music should be heard, not felt. Protect your hearing"
Take a listen to some clips of my latest CD album. Thanks!


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