Originally posted by Bevan:
You know your own taste, just buy what you
like best. But do not believe the negative
messages about the G70. These messages are
written by persons that hate Roland, I do not
know why. Maybe they sell no Roland or they
hate other keyboardsellers.
I am a contributor who has made some negative comments on both the G-70 - which I am a potential customer for, and about the VA-76 - which I currently own.
These comments are based on my observations as a keyboard user who puts his money where his mouth is, and who has owned instruments from Yamaha, Korg, GEM, Technics & Roland at one time and another.
Each instrument tends to have it's own good & bad points, but some seem to be better overall than others. This is sometimes irrespective of price.
For example, in my opinion, the current Korg PA-50 seems a far better sounding, and better designed, machine, than the Roland VA7/76 at around twice the price. However, I bought the Roland because it has a particular operating mode that I particularly wanted, that none of the Korg range offers.
I am equally happy to acknowledge both the good & bad points of these, and other, instruments (& their manufacturers). Having said that, I do struggle a bit to find much positive to say about the VA-76 :-)
Regards - Mike