#211779 - 04/30/07 01:18 AM
Re: Playing in Church
Senior Member
Registered: 01/28/05
Posts: 1167
Loc: Oradea, RO
in my church, being a small church, with up to 35-40 members, noone from p&w team gets payed. in some larger churches, just like zuki said, some of the leaders gets some money, because they do have alot of things to get done in one week. are you involved in a church ministry?
Yamaha S770, Studio One 3, EMU 0404USB, ESI, ATH, Dell. And others.
#211780 - 04/30/07 07:52 AM
Re: Playing in Church
Registered: 12/22/05
Posts: 171
Loc: Dodge City, Kansas 67801
I have been in ministry for 20+ years and am currently full-time for Destiny Ministries/Gateway Prayer House in Arkansas City, Kansas.
In some larger churches (1000 people or more) you can find a salary that is very good for the worship/ music pastor and even a fulltime position for an assistant/ accompanist, etc.
Our church only has about 30-40 members itself, but it has only been around about 10 years. Our main ministry has been around 25 years and we have a mailing list of 700+ people, travel doing conferences and our pastors head up an apostolic network of 200+ people/ churches, so we have a lot more support than just the congregation. I do music full -time but also take care of properties (mow, weedeat, vacuum, clean, etc.) and we also have a recording studio in my office so we do some production work for ourselves and other ministries we are in relationship with. I also teach private voice and piano lessons.
I use a Yamaha DGX-500 for a controller and the Korg PA1xPro as the one man band worship thing, plus I have an awesome guitar player for live stuff and to help record guitar parts.
I also just recently purchased the Boss RT-20 rotary speaker simulator for the leslie effects on the organs...pretty awesome!!!
#211783 - 04/30/07 09:19 AM
Re: Playing in Church
Registered: 08/24/04
Posts: 782
Loc: N Fort Myers, FL, USA
I work as the music director and keyboardist in our little (125 member) church in Florida, and as zuki said I earn a modest (very) income for the privilege.
I use my Tyros 2 and link in to the church sound system, which means I can prepare at home, and just go to church one evening each work to work with the music team preparing for Sunday. Although there is a lot involved in choosing the music according to the scripture readings (and hopefully the priest's sermon - I have to use intuition since he tells me he does not alway know what God wants him to say until the Sunday morning), getting the music ready for the team, preparing service inserts for the praise and worship songs etc, I love the flexibility that I have - I can essentially work the hours that suit me!
I do Nursing Home gigs in addition.
Graham, Korg Pa1000, Korg G1 Air, Countryman E6, Roland BA330, 2 x Roland CM-30, , Mackie SRM150
#211785 - 04/30/07 02:23 PM
Re: Playing in Church
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I have been the music director of five different churches in the last twelve years. I too get a modest salary,but the pianist plays for the choir, so I mainly play the organ for services.
I agree with playing in the manner you are accustomed to. I was a B3 organist in restaurants and nightclubs in the sixties and seventies. I chose small churches because you can pretty much do as you please. I am self taught, and chorded the entire hymnal. When I play a hymn, I am told it is uplifting. It is because I use my old style in a reverent way.
I could not get by in a large formal church, where you have to have a degree, but it is finding you niche.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact