Nothings going on with me Fran, I'm just sick of people talking out of their butts on here (we're all guilty of this). I don't care what people think of me and I never have done, I tell the truth about what I have owned and currently own and I also type my opinions when I feel like it be them postivie or negative. People like nielshs only show up on these postings to take the p or have a dig then they crawl back into their little hole not to be seen again until something sparks their interest.
The picture by the way Diki was meant as a joke (where's your English sense of humour?)but as usual people take things far too serious on here. It wasn't my first reply either as you put on this topic. As for calling neilshs what I did, if he is going to act like one I'll call him one. I don't like or watch football anyway. The _UK no one has ever complained about that before, that's a new one on me

Anyway enough of this....
[This message has been edited by Craig_UK (edited 07-22-2006).]