There is rebellion in the camp and it seems well justified.
What I mean by that is, there has been repeated discussions about the Tyros' Vocal Harmonizer on this and many other Forums. Tyros owners have been and are complaining that the VH on the Tyros is distorting for no apparent reason. That is; not because of any malfunction on the User's part, i.e. bad Mic, Mic volumes adjusted wrong, cheap Cables, etc.
Many of the Tyros owners also own the PSR 9000 or the PSR 2000, etc. and they (me included

) do not experience any distortion on the 9K or 2K such as they (me included) do on their Tyros's Vocal Harmonizer.
Which has many Tyros owners up in arms because Yamaha touted the Tyros' Vocal Harmonizer as superior to any prior Yamaha Keyboard.
So why are there multitudes of Tyros owners complaining about the Tyros VH then? >>Because it is NOT superior I suppose.

Here is just an inkling of what people are saying about the their displeasure with the Tyros VH:
Tyros vocal harmonizer error
Posted: Friday, October 29, 2004 10:35 AM (EST)
Hello Guys,
Following is my third attempt to reply on this subject.
I have addressed Tyros VH issue on various forums in recent months....incl the Yamaha supported site "Arranger Workstation Forum"
I have had lots of feedback & suggestions from members... but very little from Yam on the subject. I am a long time user of Yam products & currently have 8K 9K & T ......I can confirm without fear of contradiction that 9K VH works well....whereas the VH on indistinct...lacks seperation & distorts to the point of being unusable.
Unfortunately I dont think enough users are complaining on this issue, so perhaps Yam believe if Ignored it will go away.....& so it might.....and so might some of their customers.
I, for one am not going away. Yamaha Advertised Tyros as havig "Stunning VH" so they should stand over that claim.....they are certainly in breach of their contract with customers if they don't......and have breached all advertising regulations. I see no reason why I should purchase a seperate VH unit when I have already purchased one in /with Tyros.....the responsibility is with Yamaha to correct the issue.
Perhaps there is an opportunity here to collaborate.....perhaps a little VH from disgruntled users might have some effect on the big Yam Corp.
So guys lets not let this issue die..die..die..(is that VH I hear)....a little more harmony & we just might get some results.
And as a famous man once said..quote " if you're not with us...then you're against us " unquote.
Thanks for listening & hope that's not the end.
LeoD (located..Rep. of Ireland)
This is just the tip of the iceberg IMO. I feel many other Tyros owners are perhaps too timid or lackadaisical to really pursue the problem with the Tyros Vocal Harmonizer malfunction/distortion issue. If we rally the troops, maybe we can convince Yamaha to provide a fix much like Scott Yee did with his constant bombarding of Yamaha with the "Repeat Fill to Self" function that was "missing" from the Tyros yet was ON most other much "less" expensive Yammie Keyboards.
>>> I agree with Leo!
Yamaha "Steve" are you listening?
This issue should NOT be swept under the rug by Yamaha!
The Tyros is OS updateable and Yammie's programers should work diligently to provide a "fix" IMO.
I experience the same 'distortion' and I'm disgruntled about it also. There is a bug with the Tyros VH and our $3,000 dollar Keyboard deserves to be bug free!
Steve, PLEASE pass this info on to Yamaha Japan. I'm sure they're aware of this problem but if we keep reminding them maybe they'll do something about it.
And hopefully soon, instead of waiting what seemed like an eternity for the Repeat Fill to Self feature to be resolved.
Btw, many thanks for all your help in getting the Repeat Fill to Self feature added to the Tyros Steve.
PS: You do want our business Yammie, am I correct? Then you should do everything in your power IMO to get it - and more importantly to "keep it". Don't advertise one thing, and then not correct it when the statements are not true and accurate. Instead, Yamaha should "fix" their mistake.
Best regards,