Dreamer, here is my Arranger Keyboard Wishlist. You said the sky's the limit, right? Even so, I think most of the below requests are realisticly feasible:
1) "user customizable" auto accompaniment chord voicing recognition table
2) lightweight keyboard (under 30 lbs) with more reponsive semi-weighted action keys such as the Roland A33 keyboard controller has
3) improved 'style pattern' & 'sequencer' "timing resolution" (note quantization) support. Preferably at least 480 ppq (parts per quarter note) or greater for more realistic & dynamic sounding styles and accurately reproduced sequencer songs. The Yamaha QY70/QY100 support a 480 ppq timing resolution so there is no reason why arranger keyboard sequencers can't support this as well. Unfortunately most of the current arranger boards only support a maxiumum of 96 - 120 ppq which is shamefully pathetic and directly limits how realistic the style will sound and/or sequence will sound (canned vs. realistic & human).
4) Ability to load HIGH quality samples of ANY size/sample length.
5) Display Screen which will allow you to display lead sheet notes/chords/lyrics eliminating need for fakebooks or music books.
6) Implementing a mic stand slot (hole) in the keyboard case, so mic stand and boom can be inserted directly into the keyboard.
7) Ability to record both digital audio (vocals) with midi all within the arranger keyboard.
8) arranger keyboard "digital outputs": for direct transfer of digital music audio directly from the arranger kb to a computer staying in the digital domain.
9) Include a music light built into the keyboard (such as Yamaha 9000pro currently supports).
10) Arranger keyboard which will mix drinks and can come up with one liners. Hey, I didn't want to have to stop at nine.
- Scott
http://scottyee.com [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 03-21-2001).]