Here's a trip down memory lane, remember the GR-700 Roland Guitar Synthesizer.It came out in 83 or 84 and was the state of the art, and it still sounds and functions great.
The guitar itself(sub titled the "G-707")was a space age looking contraption with a bar that went from the head to the tail (kind of looked like a machine gun).
Anyway, I was wondering if anybody had any of the cartridges that went with it? They were called "M-16c"'s and are about 2" x 1 1/2" x 1/2" thick (they look like mini 8-tracks). Also, the programmer that came with the unit was called the "PG-200" and although I've figured out how to program it without this, it makes things 100% easier.
If you have and would like to sell these items, please drop me a line.
Thanks. Doug