After trading my Mackie speaker bags in for the EV models ..... I have come to a few conclusions.
First - the Mackies are designed much better.
Second, the EV bags are WAY too much money.

With THAT said .... I still appreciate the smaller size that the EV bag affords. I DON'T like the handle placement or the pockets, but I DID manage to find a better way to "load" and UNload the speakers ..... Open the zipper and put the speaker ON THE POLE first. It's easier to take the bag off if the speaker is in an upright position. Same rule applies in reverse when packing up. Leave it on the stand, and "dress" it like you would help a kid on with a snowsuit.

It's tight and awkward, but they are made well and don't waste space in transit. The handle is weird on top.... makes it too far from your body when carrying it by hand.
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