I'm not sure what you are looking for but if you simply want a place to put your files and a web page hosting them, I recommend ipowerweb.com
I found them highly recommended on some site and they are really good. LOTS of storage, very inexpensive (like $89 a year when I signed up) and they have 24 hour support. I have a site there and at Yahoo! Web Hosting. Yahoo! offers much less for a lot more money.
If you want to distribute your own songs or covers for money (.99 downloads) then discmakers.com has a link on their site to a company they own that distributes to all the major downloading sites.
They also have another company that sells actual CDs for you.
I have no experience with the discmakers links but I know ipowerweb is good and cheap. To Yahoo!'s defense, their templates are way better, but not worth the extra 12 bucks a month to me.