Thank you very much for your reply. I just made a quick trial, the Boss Dr-880 has a 4 sync modes:internal; midi (slave mode), remote (only the start/stop operations are controlled by midi messages received from an extrenal midi device) and auto(master/slave settings are switched autom. : it becomes slave when it receives a start message from a external midi device).
So, I suppose the Dr-880 has the syncro start command by means of those settings?
But by by doing so, i still haven't any result, even after ajusting the send the send/receive signals ..? Nothings starts when pressing any key on the 700SX ...
Originally posted by Dreamer:
I don't know the Boss DR 880, but as a general rule you should set it as a master slave; then you have two possibilities:
1- the Boss has a "syncro start" command (like all arrangers keyboard): in this case it will start to play as soon as you press a key on the RD 700 SX.
2- the Boss has no "syncro start" command and in this case you have to play one of the internal patterns in the 700 SX to trigger the Boss.
Hope this helps.