Has anybody heard or seen or possibly played this Hammond Portable Organ/Keyboard?
Hammond XE-1 Organ/Keyboard It has a built in Digital Leslie simulator and onboard speakers that pack a wallop! 50Wx2 onboard speakers with Bass Woofer!!!
The kicker is it's an Arranger!!!!
I called Hammond USA and the Retail price is $4,695 with Bench and Pedal Board. But I got a hold of a Hammond Rep who says the MAP price is around $3,500-$3,600 w/Bench and Pedal Board.
For all you Organ aficionados this may be just the ticket for the portable "B3" sound with a built in Digital Leslie simulator and onboard speakers. Plus you have the option of hooking up to a real Leslie if you so desire. Or you can also get Bi-Amped Tannoy external Monitor Speakers with Sub to enhance the onboard speakers.
Any further enlightenment about the XE-1 from others that have more knowledge or a firsthand account of it is appreciated.
I stumbled across the web site today and was really impressed by what I read and saw about the XE-1. No mention of Polyphony (how much, etc.) though.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 03-02-2004).]