
So I'm wrapping up the last tune on the CD...the mastering engineer is waiting...& I'm trying to fix an overly harsh drum track. Can't recall how I implemented the original track...but somewhere along the line, everything wound up sounding like it was wrapped in plastic or paper bags.

So...EQ corrections in one spectral region often lead to faults in others...we know how that goes...so I decide to bust out the original MIDI track (on which all components are thrown together)...& separate everything out to individual components (kick track, snare track, cymbal track, etc., etc.); & record again.

Now...the original JV-1010 patch was PR-D 001, the GM Drum Set (from the GM Group in the Rhythm Set List.) That set's kick drum is one of the best all-around sounding kicks I've ever used (& works great for the song); & the plan was to re-record everything but the snare; & then grab a better sounding snare from my XV-5050.

But then I started thinking...I'll get better input gain to the DAW if I use the XV-5050 for all the drums; & surely there must be a better sounding version of the PR-D 001 in the XV-5050.

But I couldn't find it.

Does anyone know if this set exists on the 5050?...'cause I looked thru the entire Rhythm Set List in the manual & didn't see it.

So the next question is...is there any way to copy it from the JV-1010 to the XV-5050? Or...are there any download pages available from Roland or around the web where I could find the modern (XV-5050) version?



[This message has been edited by mark4man (edited 07-30-2006).]