Hi Mike, hi Eddie...
the price for my TYROS is € 2900,- (€ and $ are nearly the same at the moment). I think this is a good price here in Germany, cause Thomann (see
www.thomann.de, German section!)) is something like the reference and the TYROS there costs about € 2995,-. The best price I have seen at Amptown (
www.amptown.de) as special give away offer for about €2999,- 20GB HD included (20 GB HD is about € 100,-). Therefore my price is really ok.
For the PSR2000 (purchased in Feb. 2002) I will get €1000,- and I will get also a gigbag together with the TYROS.
This means I have to pay additional € 1900,-
And cause we have delivering problems here in Germany, I guess my TYROS will arrive in January next year... :-((.
My local music dealer told me that there is a translation software included for tranferring PSR2000 registrations to TYROS. He tried it, but he did also some handish adjustments.
My idea was that someone here at the forum has already tested this and knows, which kind of agjustments are needed (Tyros has about 300 more sounds as the PSR2000 and much more effect settings... maybe to map this, you need handish adjustments).
Anyone else with ideas?
Greetings from Germany