I was very fortunate yesterday to be treated to a 3 hour demo by Roland District Sales Manager Travis Mitchell at Colton Music, my local dealer here in San Jose. I have concluded that Travis must know every thing there is to know about this keyboard and some tricks that nobody else even knows yet.
The President of Colton Music, Dave Gatt, my local dealer, made me an offer that was exactly the number I had in mind. They must be mindreaders as well

You will also have to be a mindreader if you expect to find out the price I agreed to

Don't ask. Just know that Colton has three stores in our Bay Area and they will deal. They also have the G 70's in stock.
I expect delivery in about another week so stay tuned.
I will be selling a Yamaha Tyros 2 and a PSR 9000 both with hard drive and maximum ram memory installed if anyone has any interest, just let me know. NO, I have no idea of current values so you can let me know about that too

Best to all
Senior Member SYNTHZONE FORUMS Retired Moderator of Technics Forum. Starting member of Yamaha Arranger (tyros) Forum
Bill Forrest in Central CALIF. USA
ICQ # 562519