I've some questions about the Roland Juno 6. A synth-dealer near my hometown in Germany offers one for DM450,-, which is about $210. I think that's very cheap. Now my questions: At the right there's a switch for VCA. At the upper position I could here the sound, but at the lower position there was silence. What is the function of this switch? The next switch to the left, at VCF, does only activate the sliders in upper position, right? The third thing I'm worried about is the LFO trigger. When I turn the LFO to "manual", I think it should only funktion when I press the trigger. That's not always, maybe it just looses contact. The synth doesn't have to be tuned because of its DCO's, does it?
I don't have much experience with analogue synths, I only own digital ones (XP80, SY35) and I don't want to make something wrong when I buy an analogue.
Thanks a lot