The problem of setting up the PSR voices for Cakewalk or other sequencers is confusing and troublesome. Because the PSR/Tyros will only setup panel voices properly when selected on the instrument (effects, eq are not added when the same voice is selected in Cakewalk or MidiPlayer!), you really are forced to work from the instrument. And there is no setup dump available for the PSRs.
To setup the voices and effects on Cakewalk, etc, here are the choices:
1) Use Multi Record to make a brief midi on the PSR with the channels setup as you want and then load this into Cakewalk via floppy and use it as a template for recording.
2) With Cakewalk recording, depress the PSR keyboard buttons for the voices etc that you want. If you are recording using Main, this will output on Channel 1. You will need to redirect this data to the correct track at Cakewalk or modify the Function/Midi/Edit/Transmit setting so the PSR sends Ch1 on the desired track. You can speed up this process by creating a registration and then depressing it while Cakewalk is running but be aware that this will have data from Ch1, 2, 3. You will want Cakewalk to record only the channels you are using and to the correct tracks.
To make things easier, I made a 'template midi', called MutltiTrackMidi, available at that can be loaded into the PSR, edited at one time to select voices, and then moved to your sequencer to set up a a multitrack recording session.
To use this template:
1) Load MultiTrackMidi_Tyros.mid into the PSR/Tyros
2) Open Mixing Console song pages and make all your voice changes
3) Open Digital Recording/ Song Creator, tab to the Channel tab, scroll down to Setup and make sure only the top 7 items are checked. Depress Execute and then Save. Use a new name as to not overwrite the template midi.
4) Load your file into Cakewalk or your sequencer and record. Note that there is one note in each track (C5) that you will want to remove before putting your own data there. Leave this one note for any 'empty' channel where you might want to go back and change the PSR voice. It is needed to fool the PSR into allowing the Mixing Console/ Song Creator to edit the voice.