I wanted to start off by thank everyone on this BBS who has given me lots of good advice. Thanks! I especially want to thank Nigel the Administrator of the Synth Zone BBS, 800DV, Morphamatik and Pilot. Also thanks to everyone whose names I did not mention but wanted to say thanks to anyway. I appreciate being here and getting the opportunity to discuss synthesizers with other interested users.
Oh one more thing. I am still looking to buy a replacement synth for my lost minimoog. Some of you know this but for those of you who don’t. I had bought a minimoog back in February off ebay from a guy in Israel. But unfortuneatly I have not received it. So I am looking to buy a replacement. I have gotten a lot of good suggestion from each and everyone of you on here. Thank You! But I am still searching for one that will suit me that I can enjoy for a long time. I don’t want to have to make another mistake and buy something that I will just wind up selling just because I lost interest. Anyway to make this brief I will let everyone know my disesion on what synth I have bought. Thank you one and all.