hi nigel,
sorry for delay in posting, i have been ill for a few days...the jamstix program has a bit of a learning curve,(but 110% great support from the website!!!!) and you do really need to "tweak it" from out of the box.... for example setting up the velocity levels to suit your playing style but once done it sounds incredibly realistic..the only downsides are it essentially only only has one kit that comes with it, (3rd party drum modules can be used i believe, but can be difficult to setup) ..rayzoon have now added some more kits you can buy to add to it..the sound though, is so so real..highly recommended!! it does seem to work more easily in cubase rather than sonar, but thats prob due to cubase being more "in tune" with VST instruments/plugins..i have the 90 in a split, with the lefthand playing basslines and controlling the velocity levels going into jamstix,which leaves the right free to play whatever i want without necessarily affecting the underlying groove.
so to give a short example for when i am writing a song , i just have a look at the patterns available (and there are lots) pick it, and then play some basslines, and recod the whole lot to a midi file (seperate channels) and in a very short space of time you have created a really super song bed, with intro, fills and and ending too...its quite a remarkable program...cant wait for jam bass to be released...
hope that helps some...and sorry again for late reply